From Anxious to Hopeful
Pregnancy Services in Cullman and Hanceville
We’ve been there for thousands of pregnant women, and we’re here for you too. From pregnancy tests to ultrasounds to listening to figuring out next steps you can proud of.
Experience hope.
It’s not the end. It’s the beginning. We can help.
We believe you have a positive future, and even if things feel tough now, you can experience hope. We’re here to provide the pregnancy services, care, and resources you need, free of charge, to help you create a bright beginning to a new and exciting chapter of your life.

Pregnancy Testing

Pregnancy Counseling

Pregnancy Referrals

Pregnancy Ultrasounds

Pregnancy Education

Pregnancy Boutique
Additional Pregnancy Services
Everyone takes a different path to get where they're going, but everyone's journey matters. We offer additional services that address your specific needs, so you succeed on your journey.
Medical Referrals
Assistance Referrals
Abortion Information
Adoption Information
Parenting Education
Earn Baby Supplies
Prenatal Support
Pregnancy Counseling
Post-Abortion Recovery
Father Mentoring

Pregnancy Testing
Receive a free pregnancy test.
Pregnancy symptoms, such as a missed period or tender breasts, differ from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy; however, one of the most significant pregnancy symptoms is a delayed or missed menstrual cycle.
Pregnancy Ultrasound
A positive pregnancy test is a pretty good indication that you’re pregnant. Still, an ultrasound can verify your pregnancy and determine your baby’s gestational age. First Source for Women offers free limited ultrasound examinations by trained sonographers at our Cullman, Hanceville, and mobile ultrasound unit.

Earn clothing and baby supplies at the Boutique.
Participate in a series of Earn While You Learn classes and earn “money” to buy baby items from our Boutique. With “Mommy Money”, you can purchase baby food, bottles, mother and baby clothing, soap, shampoo, personal items, diapers, bibs, car seats, bouncers, and many other supplies. Classes provide information about nutrition and health, childbirth, parenting skills, relationship skills, and more.

First Source for Women can provide referrals to physicians and health care facilities for those who need follow-up medical care or STD testing. Referrals to agencies that provide financial assistance, food, clothing, shelter, and child care are also available. Referrals are free.
Abortion Information
Abortion options vary depending on the gestational age of your baby to the type of procedure you feel is safe for you. We can discuss the various options and answer your questions to help you decide how to proceed. We do not perform abortions. Abortion information appointments are free.
Adoption Information
Adoption offers an alternate solution to parenting or abortion. We can explain adoption options, help you explore if adoption might be a good fit for you and your long-term goals, and answer your adoption questions. Adoption information appointments are free.
Pregnancy Counseling
Keeping your emotions “bottled up”, or getting well-intentioned poor advice isn’t helpful to you. Having a counselor to talk to can help you understand and express your feelings and emotions in a healthy way and in a safe space. Pregnancy counseling appointments are free.
Parenting Education & Support
Classes provide support and training that benefit you, your child or children, and your close and extended family. You can also earn “money” to buy clothing and supplies from our Boutique for you and your baby. Classes are free.
Post-Abortion Recovery
Similar to postpartum, some women and men feel deep emotional lows after abortion. First Source for Women counselors are ready to listen and help you make sense of everything you’ve just walked through. You can and will get through it, and we can help. Post-abortion recovery counseling is free.
Sexual Integrity
First Source for Women offers sexual integrity classes in Cullman and Hanceville. Small group settings allow each participant to learn how to empower themselves with higher expectations and thoughts to express the gift of sexuality truly and purely. Sexual integrity classes are free.
Father Mentoring
Whether expecting a child or already parenting, dads can benefit from talking one-to-one with another man who’s already been where they are now. Mentoring can help you learn what to expect, how to make decisions you can be proud of, and feel supported and encouraged along the way. Father mentoring is free.
A few of our heroes.
"First Source has been a blessing to us with the opportunity to earn things for our daughter."

"Allison, the RN there, let me share my story and helped me a lot just by listening. She prayed with me and told me everything was going to be okay. She also helped me by doing an ultrasound and allowing me to see my sweet baby boy."

"When I got here, I realized that they’re here to help, whatever situation you are in. They helped me get excited about my pregnancy when I wasn’t too excited."


About Us
Your Health
We do not refer nor perform abortions.